Friday, January 27, 2012

Happy Republic Day to all...

From being a Dominion of the British till 1950 to a Developing Nation in 2012...India has surely come a long way in its tryst with destiny ..

There are loopholes in this development though .. Kashmir is still burning .. Corruption has reached its peak .. Politics still continues to be the dirty lust for power in the country that aspires to reach the pinnacle of the world .. and still more than half of the country lives under the poverty line ..

For Corruption, we all should take the blame collectively and should aim at eradicating it from the society by not being a part of it .. For Kashmir though i feel a bit appalled as an Indian that many lives are being lost after so many years and the fact that even the press is censured from showing the stark reality of the day-to-day situation of the Valley.. The fact that we have time and again choosed Governments who haven't shown any inclination to solve the issue over such a long period of time leaves me stunned sometimes ..

We didn't get our Freedom for free ... Lets make sure that we don't misuse it .. we don't take it for granted ...

Its quite easy to say that i am proud to be an Indian .. I guess the hard part lies in ensuring that our nation is such that the whole world is proud of ..

As a Republic , we not only enjoy certain freedoms but also certain duties ... Lets ensure that we fulfill all the duties as a responsible citizen ... and Lets hope that a day will come when no Indian would die due to any terrorist attack ..or due to hunger ..

Bose : The Forgotten Hero of Our Freedom Struggle

"I am not basically a politician. From the beginning I long for Divine Sadhana. By quirk of fate I am dragged in politics and getting submerged in it. I am getting far away from Divine Work. " - Netaji

The true son of the soil who lived and died for his motherland.. He got selected in the ICS and then resigned to be a part of the Freedom Movement. Today , we see Govt schemes named after the members of Gandhi family but seldom does anyone talks bout Netaji who remains till date the Forgotten hero of our Freedom Struggle .. Netaji founded the Indian National Army which at its peak had 85,000 soldiers to fight for India's freedom .

Narayan Murthy once said "Had Bose been there at the helm then India would have become the second largest Economy of the World . He never really got the due credit for his contribution to India's Freedom Struggle ..."

Bose worked as the CEO of the municipal corporation of Calcutta for Chittaranjan Das when the latter was elected mayor of Calcutta in 1924

Subhas chandra bose with Gandhi ji & Sardar vallabh bhai patel 
Netaji with Adolf Hitler

Netaji Inspecting the Azad Hind Fauj 

Bose used to say - "No real change in history has ever been achieved by discussions. Be the change you want to bring "

On his 115th Birthday , i can say only one thing .. I salute u sir..Wish u had lived a few more years ...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

एक बराह्मण ने कहा कि ये साल अच्छा है...

नया साल कई उम्मीदें और आशाएं अपने साथ लाता है ... नयी उमंगें .. नयी आशाएं और नए तरंगों को लेकर आता है .. कुछ ऐसी ही उमीदें बटोरे हुए ... ये गीत है जिसे 'सबीर  दत्त ' ने लिखा है ... कई मायिनें में ये साल देश के लिए बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण होगा .. गए साल में हमने युवायों को देश की राजनीति में हिस्सा लेते हुए देखा है ... ये साल इसलिए महत्वपूर्ण है क्यूंकि इससे हमें ये पता चलेगा की ये चिंगारी क्या दो दिन की चांदनी थी या एक मशाल है जो प्रज्ज्वलित रहेगी ... आशा है इस वर्ष हम देश में काफी बदलावों का अनुभव करेंगे .. भारत आज जहां विश्व में उभरती हुयी एक शक्ति के रूप में मशहूर है तोह दूसरी ओर कई बुनियादी प्रश्नों के हल ढूँढने में विफल रहा है .. आने वाले इस साल में इतनी उम्मीद करता हूँ की फिर से हम उस भारत को देखें जिसकी कल्पना शायद हमारे स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों ने की थी ... एक ऐसा भारत जो खुशहाल है ... एक ऐसा भारत जिसमें कोई भूख से नहीं मरेगा .. एक ऐसा भारत जिसमें भ्रष्टाचार नहीं होगा ... जहां जात पात का भेदभाव न होगा.... न धर्म और मज़हब के नाम पे लड़ाई होगी .. कुछ ऐसी ही आशाओं को बटोरे हुए .. सबीर दत्त की ये नज़्म को पेश कर रहा हूँ जिसे जगजीत जी ने अपनी स्वर दे कर अमर कर दिया ...

एक ब्राह्मण ने कहा कि ये साल अच्छा है

ज़ुल्म की रात बहुत जल्द टलेगी अब तो
आग चुल्हों में हर इक रोज़ जलेगी अब तो
भूख के मारे कोई बच्चा नहीं रोएगा
चैन की नींद हर इक शख्स़ यहां सोएगा
आंधी नफ़रत की चलेगी न कहीं अब के बरस
प्यार की फ़सल उगाएगी जमीं अब के बरस
है यहीं अब न कोई शोर-शराबा होगा
ज़ुल्म होगा न कहीं ख़ून-ख़राबा होगा
ओस और धूप के सदमें न सहेगा कोई
अब मेरे देश में बेघर न रहेगा कोई

नए वादों का जो डाला है वो जाल अच्छा है
रहनुमाओं ने कहा है कि ये साल अच्छा है

दिल के ख़ुश रखने को गा़लिब ये ख़याल अच्छा है